Tuesday, March 30, 2010

LOGO Channel Presents Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

That's right. If you have access to LOGO the series "BUMP" will highlight life in my beach town this Friday, April 2, 2010. Check your LOGO website for local broadcast time in your area.

It's airing at 7 pm EDT here and is all the talk this week. It's an hour program, and I'm interested to see what part of the "community" is covered.

Being known as the "Nation's Summer Capital" for many years meant that the GLBT community was low key for decades.  No more. Tune in if you feel the urge and let me know what you take away from the show. (Click the image to embiggen.)

Here is the website with links to all other broadcast times.  LOGO.

A Wiki history.

It's time for a festive cocktail - with olives - followed by a light supper and planning the errands for tomorrow.

And so it goes.


  1. Thanks for the heads up. I will probably miss it this Friday, but LOGO repeats Bump during the day so I will look for it on a rerun.

  2. Ah, an opportunity to find out more about where you live. Very nice. I don't watch LOGO often, but for this, I will make an exception.

    See what I will do for an old friend.


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