Friday, March 25, 2011


If you visit here even occasionally, you will have learned that I have little-to-no social life. I mean, there are few adventures and even less travel to talk about.  I sometimes think my writings are boring and without color.  I enjoy simplicity and make every effort to avoid clutter and hoarding. I am no manic collector of things, though I was in the previous life.

Today, I had an engaging conversation with a couple who live in the Metro DC area, have a small place nearby, and have had a bungalow on stilts (their words) in a small enclave on the outer banks of North Carolina for many years. Turns out, we share many things in common about the ocean, privacy, and life in general. The conversation occurred following their lunch and before they returned to their home in VA.

We hit it off on their first visit in 2009 and I have always had a positive rapport with them, sharing a similar sensa-humah, and today went a step further.  We really connected through our loving simple things that most people never pay attention to in life. It was clear that I wasn't alone in my love of the beach and ocean for other reasons than lying on a towel staring at the sky.   To walk the dunes, listen to the rhythm of the waves, and maybe see a whale breach not too far off shore, is what I love about living here.

Do I wish I had someone to share this with?  Absolutely. That doesn't mean that I cannot enjoy these experiences alone.  It means that someone else is missing out, that's all.

 I am happy that these two wonderful people found one another to share the little things important to them, as well as the so-called big things.

They return in a few weeks and promised to supply more info about where to stay and the best to visit.  Who knows, I just might be spending a few days on the Outer Banks either before this season begins or shortly after it ends.  I *do* need a getaway before the end of this year, or I may explode.  That would not be a pretty sight.

And so it goes.

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