Saturday, March 19, 2011

WTF? No, Really. These Headlines Could not be Made Up.

I go to work for a few hours and come home to news like this? Feh!
A 70 year old man (in Philadelphia) is stoned to death because the Bible says it must be so.

Radiation found in Japanese food in towns near damaged power plants.

Sarah (Mooselini) Palin insists that the GOP lost in 2008 because SHE was not at the top of the ticket.  Yes, read that again. 

The first radioactive plume from Japan heads to the west coast of the US.

US Forces are firing missiles at government targets in Libya. WTF!  Yes, please read that one again, too.
Returned home to find a note tucked under the windshield wiper on the car from some delusional soul telling me that I am parked in their space.  No signature or phone, or address. Um, I am parked on a public street in almost the same spot I've parked for close to a year.

The 'supermoon' will be visible tonight and I am locking the door, turning off most lights, and dancing in the dark. No wait, oh never mind.

Where the hell are those olives? 

And so it goes.


  1. Are you sure you didn't absent-mindfully leave that note to yourself? Hope you enjoyed the super moon.

  2. I had a few olives today myself.


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