Saturday, August 27, 2011


I've received emails from folks concerned about this situation and my safety, but while I appreciate the concern, there is little that I can offer of comfort or reassurance.  Remember, I have NO television access - neither cable, satellite, or even rabbit-ears - so I get my info from the web.  NHC, Weather Underground and NOAA generally.

Local radio stations are more annoying than the TV coverage I saw (without sound) at work the past few days.  The only difference is that the commercials on radio are selling mostly hurricane related items.  Generators, sump pumps, top the list.  It's all hype and little substance. 

Why am I alone?  Well, because that's the way it is. Sure company would be nice - and welcomed - but it is what it is and I am OK, so please don't fret about it.  If you're lucky enough to be surrounded by friends and family I am happy for you and wish you well through this difficult time.

The car is off the street, on the slightly raised driveway nestled between the apartment building and the garage of the house next door.  It ain't much, but it's available. (click the image above to embiggen, if you must, it's only a car, after all.) While I doubt the storm surge will be high enough to cause great damage, that too, is out of my control.

The other tenants are gone, especially the young yuppies with the baby.  I was afraid they might be dumb enough to ride it out.  My place is sandwiched between the front and rear of the building and probably the most sheltered so, yes, I feel somewhat safe here.

The rain and wind intensify.

More later.

1 comment:

  1. I think you'll be alright Wayne. Now if you were in your former home on Willow Grove Road (of whatever the hell that road's name was) you would be WITHOUT POWER! So far we have power which is a good thing. I would fill up your bathtub with water though just in case they cut off your water supply.


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