Saturday, August 6, 2011

Rudolf Brazda. Last Pink Triangle Dies...

And tells part of his story.  Look around this country (and others) and listen to the same hate speech, name-calling, demon-making that went on in the past and tell me it couldn't happen again.  Seems we're the last acceptable enemy.
Here is a brief video of Mr. Brazda's story:
Let us work so that this horror will never be repeated on such a scale. Rest in Peace, Mr. Brazda.

And so it goes.

1 comment:

  1. You're right, the hate is still there, just below the surface. Never take anything for granted. We are the let "acceptable" group to hate and vilify. That will remain so until everyone comes out, not just those who have nothing to lose like drag queens and retirees. When "regular" gay men and women live openly and stop living in fear, then the oppression will end, overnight.


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