Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Weary of "What If's"

"What If?  "If Only..."
You know, if I had a boat, I'd go rowing. This is second-guessing at its very peak. Sandra Day O'Connor:

Now she tells us. More than 12 years after the fact, retired Justice Sandra Day O’Connor said it was probably a mistake for the Supreme Court to hear Bush v. Gore and anoint George W. Bush as president of the United States.
“It took the case and decided it at a time when it was still a big election issue,” Justice O’Connor told the Chicago Tribune editorial board on Friday. “Maybe the court should have said, ‘We’re not going to take it, goodbye.’” 
She continued: “Obviously the court did reach a decision and thought it had to reach a decision. It turned out the election authorities in Florida hadn’t done a real good job there and kind of messed it up. And probably the Supreme Court added to the problem at the end of the day.”
The result, she allowed, “stirred up the public” and “gave the court a less than perfect reputation.”
Justice O’Connor’s comments, as fascinating as they are, have to set some kind of record for detachment (she calls the court on which she sat for 25 years “it” — avoiding the more apt “we”) and also for understatement. 
Granted, we don’t know for sure whether Justice O’Connor wanted to take Bush v. Gore. Only four justices have to agree to hear a case. But we do know that she sided with the majority on the actual decision, which stopped the recounting in Florida and gave a one-vote majority in the Electoral College to the man who lost the national popular vote. The ruling was a huge stain on the court’s reputation because it appeared to be — may well have been — blatantly partisan.
Sandy, baby, the public was already stirred up by the giant f**kup that was Florida. I am tired of the "maybe we shouldn't have done that" hind-sight stuff anymore. You did it.  It's done. You can't change it.
Now Shut Up!

And so it goes.


  1. due to her and her fellow justices, we endured 8 years of fuck-up under W.

    whatsa matter, sandy? are you trying to ease your guilty conscience? no can do, sandy. you are GUILTY of treason against the will of the American people!

  2. This one made me think. It seems that from 2001-2008 I saw the country I grew up in totally disappear. When I think about what transpired, I often wonder what things would have been like if the Gore had been president.

    Keep in mind, this is coming from someone who was a staunch conservative Republican.

    I've given up on labels now. I think all of our "legistotrs" are in the pocket of various big business interests.

  3. You're right, Sandra should just shut up and go away. Not being helpful at all at this stage of the game. The damage is already done. She can go to her grave with the guilt of what she helped to happen by putting Bush into office. Thanks for nothing SandyRetired in Delaware

  4. Apparently I can't type. I meant to type, "legislators." Doh!

  5. She and her colleagues were/are responsible for an alteration in United States history for the worse! Victims of war, poor people struggling in the economy, the US reputation around the world, etc., etc., etc.!!! I've long said that Bush, Cheney and gang should be tried in the Hague for war crimes. Maybe the Supreme Court should be tried as well.



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