Monday, October 6, 2008

McCain: A futile Attempt to Smear

I am Mr. Lucky. Remember the TV show? What I loved about the show was Henry Mancini's music. Never mind.

I am (un)fortunate to work with one of the single digit supporters of the current pResident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

You cannot imagine the joy that filled my being when she arrived at work this afternoon and proceeded to regurgitate verbatim a video report aired on Fox Noise yesterday afternoon about Obama's ties to Avery, a 60's radical. I had seen the video (bless YouTube) and noticed that Caribou Barbie was spouting the same debunked tripe on the stump.

I was aware of a new documentary about the Keating Five (you can view it here) so I allowed her to huff and puff and draw herself up to full-of-herself height listening quietly.

Then getting online, I navigated to the documentary video on YouTube, and let her watch it.
It was like a time-lapse film as I watched her deflate minute by minute as the events of that terrible time were reintroduced to her consciousness. I took no pleasure in this, but was saddened that our collective memory is so short.

When confronted with already debunked lies we must respond with facts and throw the ball back in their court. (I can't believe I used a sports metaphor!) G*d, I need a cocktail.

More later.


1 comment:

  1. I find it interesting that she responded to the facts. Most can repeat the charges and when confronted with the facts, simply ignore the facts and keep repeating the charges.


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