Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thanks, But No Thanks...

Found at DU:

Dear Sarah,

It was fun for a while. You helped us in a lot of ways.

You gave McCain a completely artificial and empty boost that undermined anything that McCain had to say. That was a big help. Nobody listened to McCain after that. Thanks.

Hell he couldn't even show up at his own rallies by himself because the comparison in turnout was too embarrassing, thanks for that.

Then you gave a boost to his poll numbers but they were completely superficial and had the tinsle strength of a crepe. What went up came down and kept drifting down like the Dow after a Presidential news conference. McCain was going nowhere in the polls but you gave him a tiny artificial peak and then the inevitable "oh they seem to have peaked too early". Thanks.

You single handedly helped revive the sagging prospects of an iconic TV show. Thanks for that too.

Without you we would have never figured out that we are wasting tens of billions in helping Alaska build its infrastructure in 'roads to nowhere' while at the same time the people of Alaska are pocketing state revenues and not carrying their load. Noted and thanks, next session Alaska won't get an earmark large enough to repaint the lines on the Anchorage Airport parking lot. Your Alaska constituents will find out what it means to actually pay their own way and thank you themselves.

I hadn't watched Katie for years and now will give her a shot from time to time and I took the pin out of the Charlie Gibson voodoo doll on my desk, I am sure that they will be thanking you separately for the professional help you gave them. The fawning adulation of Hannity and Fox News of your hair brained candidacy has further removed them from the adult part of the country. Gracias.

You drove independents and self respecting decent Republicans into the Obama camp and completely undermined Senator McCain's ability to articulate a message with your hyperbolic vitriol. McCain was so reduced in stature that he had get in the hate act until he saw the results up close and personal. You turned the McCain/Palin campaign into a full fledged Hate Talk Express and forced the MSM to gag and report on it. Thanks, thanks, thanks and thanks.

I don't have the figures and it would be hard to document but I have to assume that you generated atleast $ 10 million in extra donations to the Obama campaign. Thanks so much.

You helped push those wavering Electoral Votes into our column.

We don't want to seem ungrateful, noting and thanking all of your assists, but now that you have made McCain's vetting a laughing stock and his leadership a cartoon event we know that all you have left is more ignorance, division, and hatred. While it will help Obama/Biden it is also a poison that will hurt the country.

You have done enough so to your continued effort to abuse your candidacy for Vice President in the same way that you have abused your office of Governor to the people of Alaska we would like to say,

Thanks but no thanks.

The tens of millions of Obama/Biden supporters who are pushing these last 3 weeks to take America back with out inciting hate and division.
I'm off to dine with a few like-minded friends. This will give us all a chuckle.

And so it goes.

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