Sunday, December 12, 2010

Rain, Missing Keys, Mark Twain, & Margaritas

 Yeah, so? Just humor me...

The humidity and temperature began to rise overnight and I felt it immediately because my sleep was interrupted by pain in hands and back. The heavy rains began before dawn, thankfully without strong winds.

As I made my way to work I thought it would be a slow day thanks to the weather. Those thoughts vanished when I discovered that the keys to areas I need to access were missing. Sent a message to the boss, then proceeded to do what I could to get things as organized as possible under the circumstances.

The phone rang and it wasn't the boss, but the local book store informing me that my copy of the Twain Autobiography had arrived, ready for pick up. Told them I'd stop by after work.

The dos locos arrived just in time (as they should) and everything turned out OK. As a result, I now have a key to what is known as 'the dead zone' where all the day-to-day stock items reside.

We were pleasantly surprised by the number of the lunch diners and those who dropped by the bar to watch football games.

Following my shift I met with the dos locos who presented me with a holiday gift (these guys are beyond generous) headed for my after-shift cocktail and interesting conversation with a few regulars.  As I sipped my golden margarita another arrived as I was about to leave. This one from the dos locos.  I remained seated and continued chatting with the customers as I enjoyed the cocktail.

I was up, coat and hat on, bracing for the rains when another golden magically appeared before me.  This one thanks to the regulars I'd been chatting with.

I just made it to the book store before they closed for the night. I was surprised that they gave generous discounts on the book for regular customers and I now own a huge volume of Twain's episodic ramblings to play with and discover over the long, dark, months to come.

As Zorba said, "Life is what you do while you're waiting to die."

So fill in any empty time with whatever you can.  (I say that.)

No need for olives tonight, just dinner, music, and a read of my fave blogs.

And so it goes.


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If they are simply a tirade or opinionated bullshit, they will be removed, so don't waste your time, or mine.

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