Monday, August 18, 2008

Full Moon: Coming or Going?

I remember a Far Side Cartoon with the caption: Full Moon and Empty Head…let me explain.

Last night at about 2 am, a bright light awakened me. It was the moon fully bloated and intruding into my bad dreams and not-so relaxing sleep. Figures. It was the likely source of both.

A full moon is a awesome thing to see and admire, so I got up and sat near the window to take it all in. I fell asleep sitting there and woke with the knowledge that this decision had done a number on my back and getting ready for work stooped over and looking like Marty Feldman in Young Frankenstein would be my fate.

As a result, I had to perform usual morning activities in reverse order. Very disconcerting and difficult to understand while still groggy from lack of sleep. But I did it and hit the road only a few minutes later than usual.

As I headed down the highway I witnessed a State Trooper vehicle backing out of a parking lot and heading in the wrong direction – directly at me – I pulled to the curb thinking that I’d hear the wailing of his siren any second as he barreled north in the southbound lane. Never happened.

Got back to the errands at hand, and as I entered the main drag into town was confronted by a local Rehoboth Beach police car backing out of a side street, Washington street. No flashing lights, no siren. WTF?

Finally arrived at the Church St. and Rehoboth Ave. intersection and no traffic in sight I turn onto the avenue and head into town to check the PO box when I became aware of a white Cadillac in front of me who was (yes, kids) backing up and aiming right for my car. WTF, again. Hit the horn!!! The driver slammed on the brakes inches from my bumper; shut off the engine and just sat there. I was spooked enough by this time to slip by and get out of the line of potential destruction.

Picked up the mail and made my way out of town and back onto the highway to work. The full moon was still high in the sky though fading in the light of the rising sun. I crossed the canal bridge heading back to the highway when I am – once again – confronted by yet another back-to-the-future anomaly. This is unbelievable in its size and level of the bizarre. There are seven vehicles (including two dump trucks) BACKING out of a side road ONTO the highway disregarding the prospect of northbound traffic. They just did it all at once.

Don’t ask. I don’t know what any of this means, but too many coincidences in one day for my taste.

I made it to work and thankfully, didn’t experience similar episodes on the way back to the apartment this evening. But I am looking forward to a quiet day with no driving; only a walk around the marshes tomorrow.

And so it goes.


1 comment:

  1. The full moon does bring THEM out. That's not a myth, Miss.


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