Sunday, August 17, 2008

If You've Ever Been Owned By a Kitty...

you will identify with this animation.

Like I said, I miss a kitty on my lap, under foot, or attempting to trip me as I move from room to room.

And so it goes.


  1. W, better get a dog, who loves you unconditionally.

  2. P, I know your little one is smart enough to post on your blog at times.
    Oh, I'd love to have either cat or dog to love and for company, but I'm not allowed pets where I live. It's not fair at my age, but it's the reality.

  3. That was great; it reminded me of my son (Kevin) and his cat (Cincy)....

    I remember the couch I gave to Kevin and what it looked like after Cincy sharpened her claws on it - off to the dumpster........

    I like the new look of your blog. Diane


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