Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Impressive Live-Blogging of the Saddleback Forums

If the Wayward Episcopalian had not commented earlier on this blog I would have never known him or how insightful and talented he is.

If you missed the forums check out the links from his blogpost Liveblogging Rick Warren's Forum to MyDD where he did his live blogging of the entire evening.

And so it goes.


1 comment:

  1. Lol. Actually, you were the first to comment on my blog, back when it was a Katrina blog a year or more ago. You thanked me for my attention to the issue, and suggested I might be familiar with your sister's blog. My own comment here a month or so ago came after I was looking through old posts and came across your original hello. :)

    Thank you for the kind words.


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