Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Just one of those Days...

OK, I skimmed the pool, removed the dead frogs from the filter, pulled weeds, picked dead flowers off the annuals, and watered those in the window boxes. Now, it is important to remember that I am a tenant here and perform the above chores as a way of helping out my landlady because keeping up with the maintenance is too much for one person. Yes I know, I am a bit old to be a pool boy, but...

That said, I am now indoors having had a shower and ready for a cocktail.

The workday was productive, positive, and in many ways a happy experience. A few regular summer customers came in and we had a few good sales.

Needless to say the usual number of bizarre touristas darkened the doorway as well, and though everyone has the right to be stupid some folks abuse the privilege; here are a couple of today’s short exchanges.

Oh, did I mention how much I love (not!) cell phones?

Obnoxious Cell Phone Junkie #1: Having screeched into her cell phone for a good 5 minutes – nonstop – She asked: “Do you know what I need?”

Answer: Oxygen?

Obnoxious Cell Phone Junkie #2: (Interrupting her longwinded conversation - shredding everyone she was forced to share her most important holiday with - to come up for air) She asked: “Hi! Where am I?”

Answer: Honey, after exposure to that conversation, I’d say you are anywhere you say you are.

After work I stopped at the supermarket and while in the checkout line I overheard this:

Kid: Mom, why do we have to wait so long to get out of here?
Mom: Honey, we have to wait for the yokels to get out of the way, first.

Are these people unaware that they are broadcasting intimate episodes of their (boring) lives and we really don’t give a shit?

And so it goes.


1 comment:

  1. Haven't read your blog for a few weeks but I'm glad I'm back. I love your sardonic wit, humor and observations on life. First, you're not too old to be a pool boy. NO. Hey, I pull weeds every day and you know I'm a LOT older than you are. Weed pulling is therapy for me. Of course everyone has their own "therapy." That said, I'm getting my share of DF's too. One good thing, the hotel where I work doesn't have cell phone reception. I always get a guilty pleasure from seeing guests stroll in the lobby to the front desk, yapping away on their cell phone and they get "that look" on their face when the signal dies. LOVE IT!


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