Friday, July 9, 2010

Crab Legs, Margaritas, Old Friends & New

Received a call from Elizabeth Wednesday night warning that she was on the way down to the beach and wanted to know if I had plans for dinner after work tonight. Of course, I didn't.

She then related a story that is not uncommon among bloggers; two others would be joining us, neither of whom she had ever laid eyes on, but were adamant about buying us dinner for a chance to meet (in person) someone they had admired for sharing words, insights, and love of humanity.

I made reservations for the 4 of us, and as I ordered my post-shift cocktail was informed that there were 2 men waiting to meet me, so I knew it must be the guys. Sasha pointed them out and when I got my cocktail I went over and introduced myself. They were sincerely happy to meet me and couldn't wait to meet Elizabeth in person. Within 10 minutes she joined us and the guys went crazy. Yes, in many circles of the Church she is like a rock star. In others she is reviled - but we need not go there.

Note: For those new here, Elizabeth is an Episcopal priest, rector of a church in NJ, and a fierce outspoken advocate for equal rights. Her blog posts can thrill or cause hissy fits - depending on which side of the debate you're on - and you always know where you stand with her.  No BS here!

Seated in the dining room we ordered another round of margaritas and got down to the business of getting to know one another.  It was great fun and quite a learning experience for all.

The Alaskan King Crab Legs were a hit with the new guys and another round of margaritas bookended the meal. We returned to the bar, where the guys (and me) enjoyed one more margarita while getting caught up in the usual Friday zaniness with happy (and drunk) locals.

That's where the image above comes in. (click to embiggen) The lesbian on the far left wasn't supposed to be in the pic, but managed to put her face forward to mug for the camera.  It was all good fun.

As we parted - Elizabeth to find her car, the guys to meet up with friends at a pub nearby, and I to my walk home - there were many hugs of happiness, grace, promises to keep in touch to plan getting together again in the near future.

Experiencing a pleasant buzz at the moment, I am ready to call it a day, brush my teeth, and hit the sheets. I feel blessed in so many ways, but the best is that of friendship and love.

Can I get an Amen?

And so it goes.


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If they are simply a tirade or opinionated bullshit, they will be removed, so don't waste your time, or mine.

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