Saturday, July 17, 2010

We Are All We Have: An Update

Sergei arrived at work  this morning (he was not scheduled yesterday) with a sort of sad smile, embraced me immediately, and announced that his money had been returned Friday afternoon. There was a strange look on his face, but I didn't have to ask; he had a story to tell.

As suggested, he confronted his roommates regarding the theft, how it hurt him, and told them what he told me, "if one of you needed money I would have given it to you until you could pay it back.  Well, seems there were some guilty faces all round as Sergei went to his room to change clothes.

There was a knock on his door and three of the roomies told him to leave the apartment for 15 minutes and they would get his money back. Sergei, fearful of violence, asked them to assure him that there would be none. They did and he left; spent the time shopping at the pharmacy nearby. When he returned, there was his money - even the coins - and he was astounded. He said he almost cried.

However, they refused disclose the identity of the thief, which is not a comforting end to the situation for him.

A bit of history: One of his roommates recently suffered severe burns while cooking and Sergei missed a day of work to  escort her to the hospital ER because she speaks little English and is fearful of anything to do with Doctors (there is a long story about the profession in his country that left me speechless), another roomie speaks no English so Sergei accompanied him to interviews as translator.  The guy is always willing to give and help anyone in need.

Isn't that what we are all called to do?

I was happy to hear this news and until that moment hadn't realized how much this situation weighed on my heart. I laughed, but didn't dare cry,  then hugged him hard. I didn't meddle into whether he chose to leave most earnings secure in the safe, or with me.  My guess is that he will keep closer tabs on his wallet from now on, hoping that this episode was just a fluke and he can trust his roomies again. Yes, he's that kind of guy.

Thanks for all comments on this tale, I appreciate them and may even share them with Sergei if only to let him know that there are others in this world who get-it, and care; even people who don't know him. I'll mull this over and decide before he returns home in October.

Of course, I will post it all here.

I worked later than usual today and there is a Sazerac calling my name, so Cheers!

And so it goes.


  1. what a story - keep us posted.

  2. Heartwarming. There is hope after all. Sergei has a good friend in you. You see, there is a reason for everything. Better that you should be helping good people like Sergei than hosting a pot luck for a gang of shallow folk on Old Landing Road. Just saying.

  3. Thanks for the update, W. I'm glad he confronted them and that they paid up.

    Santé on the drink [had to Google it] A Cajun with an old NoLa drink.

  4. I love the picture. White rose of sharon. Rose of sharon is one of my favorite plants. I have not been about to get a pure,single white. Only double. Where is this plant? I may "borrow" a shoot.

  5. @Ron: I was told it was a hibiscus flower, or are they one and the same. The plant resides on my street.

  6. If you laughed instead of crying, *I'm* sitting here reading this post with tears in my eyes.
    Although I would have had my doubts that confronting the roommates would have succeeded (in getting the money back), I am glad that it did. Would that the rest of us in this nation, on learning that one of the least of us had been wronged, would come together to right the wrong! (think health care, unemployment, LGBT rights, ...)

  7. I believe it is a Rose of Sharon. I have similar. I'll post a pic on Bandit Talks, one of these days.


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