Wednesday, July 28, 2010

RC Church Embarrassed Again!

Apparently, I forgot to post this last weekend so here it is. A little late to the party, but always good for a few laughs - Oh, those crazy queans at the Vatican. The Guardian:

The Catholic church, already reeling from a string of clerical sex abuse scandals, is facing new embarrassment after an Italian magazine published an investigation into what it termed the double life of gay priests in Rome.
Using hidden cameras, the weekly Panorama, owned by Italy's prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, captured priests visiting gay clubs and bars and having sex. The Vatican does not condemn homosexuals, but it teaches that gay sex is "intrinsically disordered". In one of his earliest moves, pope Benedict barred actively gay men from studying for the priesthood.
The diocese of Rome lashed out at the prime minister's magazine, saying its aim was "to create scandal [and] defame all priests". But it also urged gay clerics to leave both the closet and the priesthood.
Yep! Like that's suddenly going to happen after centuries of customs and abuses.  The Priesthood has always been a haven for suppressed gay men who don't want to be gay and hetero pedophiles who know the dangers they would face for their behavior in the real world. Let's not confuse the two.

In all the rants and raves from the Vatican there is never one word about following the teachings of Jesus. Rather, one must follow the "teachings of the Church".  Big difference, at least to me. Oh, the stories I could tell.  Problem is, no one would believe them - truth is stranger than fiction, and all that.

Read the rest HERE.

And so it goes.

1 comment:

  1. Sadly, it is not just the R.C. that preaches fidelity to the "teachings of the Church" as opposed to the teachings of Christ. One does not have to listen long to most "evangelical" media preachers to know that they haven't read the book.
    As an aside, I love the frequent post by Joe.My.God entitled "This Week in Holy Crimes".


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