Monday, July 5, 2010

July 4th and Then Some...

Sorry for not writing anything personal over this weekend, the restaurant was packed all day Saturday, Sunday, and even today. Folks were pulling on the locked doors at 9:30 am today, and when I finally opened them at 11:20 (10 minutes early)  the starving/thirsty masses swarmed like a plague of locusts. 

By 11:45 am 62 people were seated - meaning each of my 5 servers had to cope with multiple tables all at once - and there were already 8 sitting at the bar.  Not a good thing for the restaurant, or the customer.  We can't provide the level of service that we want to and that customers have come to expect.  But all got better than we hoped when the owners jumped in to help out by tending bar, clearing and setting up tables, and delivering meals. That was a huge help since I was up to my eyeballs with folks still streaming through the doors.

The bar area was full by 12:30 pm and the margaritas were flowing all afternoon. Fortunately for everyone only one crazy-ass woman caused a bit of a stir which, with the support of the boss was snuffed out before it became a real fire.

As the dust began to settle in late afternoon, in walks a family of 11 (6 adults, 4 kids and a todler) and the most obnoxious group we've experienced since last season. They were not satisfied with any of my seating suggestions (we don't have tables to seat 10 people comfortably, plus they needed a hi-chair, which further limits their seating options) until I finally laid down the law; they would be seated at two ajoining tables - - - final - - - or, leave. Done!

To amuse the toddler in the hi-chair at the adult table, several of the adults began to make jingly noises by dropping their flatware on the table to get the little slug to giggle, or scream, or whatever. Unfortunately for me, their table was the closest to my station and I was serenaded with the clinky clangy sounds of forks and knives crashing onto the tabletop...What fun. The little darling will be deaf before reaching puberty, and maybe that's a good thing.

The cavalry arrived to save the day, and none too soon. Servers jumped in to take new tables and a busboy (G*d Bless him) rushed to clean and reset tables.  What a relief that was. It was all good from then on.

I think we served over 400 meals during the lunch shift only and the place is booked to bursting for dinner tonight. 

So, now take what is written about today, multiply by 3 and you will have an idea of what things were like over the weekend.

Enjoyed a 'tropical cosmo' for my after shift cocktail and, as G*d said, "it was good!"

All in all, great fun.

Note: The image in this post was taken as I was walking to work. (click to embiggen) She is a neighbor heading off the a charity cook out decked out as (what else?) the statue of Liberty.  Funny part is that her kids were too embarrassed to be seen in the van with her, so she just had a grand time driving around, honking at friends and neighbors and wishing everyone a Happy Independence Day! Loved it.

And so it goes.


  1. I hope the return to home and work by the hordes will settle your world back to a dull roar during the week. You must be exhausted!

  2. Ugh, sounds like a busy day!

    Love your neighbor's sense of fun.

  3. I enjoy reading your posts about your experiences at work. They are gems. Oh how I would love to see a video of your face when you were serenaded with the sound of dropping dinnerware to amuse the little slug. What is it with these parents who have absolutely no consideration for anyone else in the restaurant as they impose their boorishness on their fellow diners? I guess it's all about their Little Darling Child. Seen it, been there, done that, hated it. Having said that, give me a call the next time the Family From Hell arrives so I can watch.

    As always, a very entertaining post. Keep up the good cause.


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