Thursday, July 22, 2010

Why You Can't Lose That Weight...

This really annoys and scares the bejeebus out of me.  During a conversation with a co-worker this morning (who happens to be working on his Masters in Chemistry) we got into the chemicals and antibiotics in our food and water supply. He pointed me to this article and while nothing in it surprises me, I was unaware of just how destructive these chemicals, pesticides, and antibiotics can be to humans, especially.
by: Stephen Perrine and Heather Hurlock

On May 11, the White House announced it was targeting a new threat to America’s health and security. It wasn’t some rogue nation or terrorist organization, or a newfound disease or environmental threat. It was a class of chemicals that are making Americans fat. They’re called endocrine disrupting chemicals, or EDCs. And chances are you’re eating or drinking them right now.

The White House Task Force on Childhood Obesity released a report called "Solving the Problem of Childhood Obesity Within a Generation." In the report they list endocrine-disrupting chemicals as a possible reason for increased obesity in the country and describe how scientists have coined a new term for these chemicals — "obesogens" — because they "may promote weight gain and obesity."

What does this mean for you? It means that weight gain is not just about calories-in versus calories-out.

No, America’s obesity crisis can’t entirely be blamed on too much fast food and too little exercise. We have to consider a third factor: the obesogens. They’re natural and synthetic compounds, and many of these chemicals work by mimicking estrogen — the very hormone that doctors DON’T want women taking anymore (as a large clinical trial linked hormone therapy to increased risk of heart disease, breast cancer, stroke, blood clots and abnormal mammograms).

Why traditional diets don’t work anymore

Because high school biology was likely a while back, here’s a quick refresher: The endocrine system is made up of all the glands and cells that produce the hormones that regulate our bodies. Growth and development, sexual function, reproductive processes, mood, sleep, hunger, stress, metabolism and the way our bodies use food — it’s all controlled by hormones. So whether you’re tall or short, lean or heavy — that’s all determined in a big way by your endocrine system.

But your endocrine system is a finely tuned instrument that can easily be thrown off-kilter. "Obesogens are thought to act by hijacking the regulatory systems that control body weight," says Frederick vom Saal, Ph.D., curators’ professor of biological sciences at the University of Missouri. That’s why endocrine disruptors are so good at making us fat — and that’s why diet advice doesn’t always work — because even strictly following the smartest traditional advice won’t lower your obesogen exposure. See, an apple a day may have kept the doctor away 250 years ago when Benjamin Franklin included the phrase in his almanac. But if that apple comes loaded with obesity-promoting chemicals — nine of the ten most commonly used pesticides are obesogens, and apples are one of the most pesticide-laden foods out there — then Ben’s advice is way out of date.
You really must read the entire article, unless of course, you already know about these things. In any event the rest is HERE.

And so it goes.


  1. Despite articles like this one and ones related to the studies of reduced metabolism, I will still get "looks" and comments from my doctor on my next visit on my inability to shed the weight.

  2. Interesting. There's no doubt in my mind that our world of processed foods and chemical-laden agriculture has had negative effects on the health of our society. Just yesterday I was buying a greeting card and noticed how large the Hallmark cancer survivor selection has grown.

    I've recently embarked on a renewed effort to lose some weight. I gained quite a bit when I started working from home. Also the company I work for moved lots of people off of hourly salaries no doubt in an attempt to force greater workloads. So I found myself stress eating. I've lost 10 pounds over the past 3 weeks with 40 more to go. I'll get there.

    But I must say I'm skeptical about this concept of obesegens. Perhaps the best lesson is to stay away from processed foods and plant some veggies.


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