Monday, April 11, 2011

Fall of Roman Empire was My Fault.

I am the all powerful gay man who can take down the entire Roman Empire (or which ever one I choose) and no one can stop  me...including the Almightly?

Whoa!  Wait...Run this past me again, please.
From The Scotsman:

A LEADING Italian academic is facing growing calls to resign after he blamed the collapse of the Roman Empire on homosexuality.
Professor Roberto De Mattei, vice-president of Italy's Centre for National Research and who is also a devout Catholic, has already faced criticism after claiming that the Japanese tsunami and earthquake disaster was "divine punishment".

In an interview with Radio Maria, a religious news network, Prof De Mattei, 63, said: "The collapse of the Roman Empire and the arrival of the Barbarians was due to the spread of homosexuality.
"The Roman colony of Carthage was a paradise for homosexuals … the abnormal presence of a few deviants infected many others."

Prof De Mattei based his comments on the writings of fifth-century Christian author Salviano di Marsiglia. He added: "The invasion of the Barbarians (of Rome] was seen as punishment for this moral transgression. It is well known that effeminate men and homosexuals have no place in the Kingdom of God. Homosexuality was not rife among the Barbarians, and this shows that God's justice comes throughout history, not at the end of time.''
I know, I know...You know you can't make this stuff up, right? Right???

The rest is HERE.

And so it goes.


    Where was it first published again? The Italian version of some supermarket rag, probably owned by the Berlusconi Empire [hear the music of Star Wars when Darth Vader enters in the background].

  2. Peter,
    The link is at the bottom of the post. The source is 'The Scotsman' in Edinburgh.

    Sadly, many Christianists take this seriously and believe this stuff without question.


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