Friday, September 6, 2013

Bone Marrow Biopsy: An Interesting Learning Experience.

The mounds of paperwork, medical mishugas, tests,; it was overwhelming and took longer than it ought to have, because of the damned legalese documents one must sign or initial before treatment will resume.  Some of the questions are silly and archaic;  "Do you have or have you ever had:  Diarrhea?  I mean, is there anyone on the planet who hasn't at least once in their life had that experience?  And they don't ask, when or why.  Just silly, because one has to provide explanations for these answers at the next office visit. Just another waste of time.

Glad I arrived early to get most of that out of the way.  Kim, the doctor's nurse/assistant was called and I was ushered into the comfortable examination/procedure room. She took my BP twice (once from each arm) then explained what was going to happen, what to expect. I asked questions (yes, you know me!) and received direct answers from Kim and, when he arrived, the doctor.  They wanted to put me at ease, keep me calm and comfortable, and assured that there would be no pain, only pressure.  Well, finally my upper pelvis was sanitized and prepped, the area marked and the Lidocaine injections begun.  They sent me to the roof, more than a pinch, I'd say.  Following the numbness Kim and I chatted about local eateries as the doctor made the small incision and the biopsy went off without a hitch. The rest is history.

NOTE: I am sure the image above (the tools of the trade) is horrifying to some, but let me assure you that not all instruments are used in every procedure. They offer a variety of options to the doctor so he can perform the task as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Anyway, Doctor told me I have very strong bones.  A good omen? As mentioned, pain only from the first Lidocaine injections, the last three I felt nothing. Since I've lost so much weight the bone of choice was very near the skin surface so the dr. had no trouble choosing his entry point and doing his thing. Yes, there is a little pressure as he probed and removed the marrow, but no discomfort. He retrieved enough for the slides and vials he needed, sterilized the area again, and used his hand to put pressure on the incision point to stop any bleeding.  Ultimately there was none.

Since I had him captive anyway, I asked about the NOLA trip and told him I planned to go, eat, and drink (at least a little) for 7 days and asked if he would do another BC before the trip.  He smiled and said he was glad to hear I was going away - to eat plenty of good food and get rest.  He suggested that he do a BC blood workup on my next visit on 9/12 and if it proved lower than it ought to be, he would supply the needed blood units to bring it back up to hold me for the week. I felt calm and reassured by his words.

Aside from the crowded airplane, he warned against large crowds with my compromised immune system, which could still cause problems if not careful.  Fever and infection are the worst fears he expressed, especially since there are still few hospitals functioning at full capacity in New Orleans. Two of the biggest and best are uptown and would be my best bets in case of emergency. I will learn more from my friends when I arrive.

When I left his office I felt a relief and calm pretty foreign to me. On the way home I realized I was starving and decided to stop for a small sub sandwich at Cassapullo's deli.  Now, even their "baby" sub - though only 6" long - is stuffed so full of meat, cheese, peppers, lettuce, tomatoes and pickles that the thing weighs about a pound when all is said and done.  I figured I'd never eat the whole sandwich but wanted to splurge.

After filing away all the biopsy paperwork along with that of last weekend's hospital stay, I sat down with the monster sandwich, tall iced tea and as Eva Cassidy sang in the background I began to munch and savor the sandwich.  Sense of taste hasn't totally returned but it was enough to give me the thrill I was seeking.  In the end  the whole sandwich was gone I and didn't feel stuffed, only pleasantly satisfied. 

Got out of the street drag and into bed to read for a while, waiting for the Lidocaine to wear off and determine how much soreness I would have to endure for the next 48 hours.  Nothing happened. No pain or soreness was forthcoming.  No stiffness in the back or hip. Surprised and shocked, but a very happy camper to be sure. There isn't even any sensitivity  at the point of entry.  Amazing, really.

I'll take the blessings where ever they come from. This morning I got a call from the doctor's office checking in to find out how I was feeling and if there were any negative effects from the procedure. She was very happy when I told her there were none. 

OK, as an aside: It's that time again.  I have to go out tomorrow and fill up the car - for the first time since May. With the accumulated gas points I will save .50 cents per gallon while enjoying an early morning drive out to the bay and stop for a few photos on the way.

Looking forward (with some trepidation) to returning to the restaurant on Sunday. A good test to determine how far I have improved and healed. 

And so it goes.


  1. When will you find out the results of the biopsy? And good luck with that!

  2. GOOD NEWS, dear boy! yeah, that first pix...made me wanna hurl! I am NOT a fan of medical equipment.

    hopefully the news will be even better next week.

  3. You are going through so much. I admire your calmness and acceptance of what must be done to evaluate your condition. I don't know that I could be that calm. I hope your pain and discomfort is small to zero.
    Looking forward to seeing and hearing about your trip to NOLA. Just think, maybe in a couple of month's time we'll be back to our old, bitchy ways. Smile.


  4. @Brian: A few results will be ready when I visit the Oncologist on 9/12 - the rest in about 2 weeks. I think, around the 26th.

    Thanks for the visit.


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